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сряда, 20 май 2009 г.

Don’t leave, simply go and vote for Martin Dimitrov and Ivan Kostov’s “Blue Coalition”

Получих това писмо от нашия сънародник Михаил Живков, живеещ в Лондон (той и друг път е писал за блога). Написал е този път писмото си на английски, публикувам го в оригинал, понеже тази сутрин нямам време да го превеждам. (Впрочем, ако някой от читателите на блога има време и възможност и го преведе, ще съм му много благодарен.) Смятам, че това писмо показва много за това какви личности има сред сънародниците ни, живеещи в чужбина. В този смисъл мога да кажа това: докато има такива хора като Майкъл, България има бъдеще. А ето и самото писмо:

Dear Angel,

I write to you following your request for the views and opinions of Bulgarians living abroad. As I have written to you before, I have been living in the United Kingdom since the age of 5. I am now 30 years old and live between London and Frankfurt. I too watched the video you uploaded to your blog about Bulgarians living in London with great interest. I have no Bulgarian friends in London and the number of relatives that I have in Bulgaria falls with every year. Nevertheless, I follow with huge interest what is happening in the country in which I was born and was distressed by your suggestion that you plan to leave.

To all those planning to leave Bulgaria I make the following suggestion: Don’t leave, simply go and vote for Martin Dimitrov and Ivan Kostov’s “Blue Coalition”. It is obvious to all those who follow Bulgarian politics from abroad that they are the country’s only hope. The parties that make up the Blue Coalition produced the best governments the country seen since the 1930s – those of Philip Dimitrov (1991-1992) and Ivan Kostov (1997-2001). I simply cannot understand who would possibly choose Mr Borrisov’s GERB over the authentic right wing of Bulgarian politics.

Especially given Mr Borisov’s questionable past. To me he looks like a re-run of Mr Saxe-Coburg. Mr Saxe-Coburg was brought to Bulgaria as part of a deal with the former Durzavna Sigormost (DS) operatives who control the economy aimed at stopping Mr Kostov from getting a second mandate. The promise he gave was that thanks to his great international connections he would sort the country out in 800 days (he had no serious programme but came with a good story – a King returns to his homeland to save his people, cue three months of intense media coverage by the DS controlled media and before you know it he has half the seats in parliament).

Now 8 years later Mr Borrisov is promising that he will fix the country with his manly character. Again Mr Borisov has no real programme, the focus is on his curious character – a strange caricature of the typical Bulgarian/Balkan man – perfect for covering in the media. The problem is that something about his story smells just as with Mr Saxe-Coburg’s story in 2001 (when in the history of the world has there ever been a benevolent monarch?). A former bodyguard to Todor Zhivkov. Then to Mr Saxe-Coburg. In the 1990s he had his own security firm and formed limited liability companies with Mr Mladen Mihalev (aka Madzho), Rumen Nikolov (aka Pashata) and Vasil Boshkov. During Mr Saxe-Coburg’s government he was given the job of chief secretary at the ministry of the interior during which time all the most important underworld bosses and “businessmen” (Kulev, Pavlov etc) were butchered by their DS comrades (of course Mr Borisov’s interior ministry was not able to solve these crimes nor the hundred or so other contract killings). At this point it should be obvious to everyone that Mr Borisov might not be the best person to lead Bulgaria as Prime Minister. At least there should be a question mark hanging over him.

And all Bulgarians should note the phoney war being waged at present between the BSP/Dogan’s MRF and Mr Borisov’s GERB party and draw careful conclusions. Yes they bark at each other but neither side throws any serious punches. Meanwhile, Mr Dogan is using all weapons at his disposal to attack the Mr Dimitrov’s UDF so as to undermine the Blue Coalition. There can only be one reason - because he is very frightened of them in a way he is not frightened of Mr Borisov. Now I might be wrong about Mr Borisov but why take that risk? Why risk the country’s future betting on someone who could very well prove to be yet another DS puppet when you my dear fellow Bulgarians can vote for the union that got our country into NATO and the EU – the Blue Coalition?

Why leave Bulgaria when the country’s future is in your hands? By voting this summer, you can make of it what you (when last did Bulgarians have such a historic opportunity?) But please, please think carefully before voting.

Mihail Jivkov, London

3 коментара:

Анонимен каза...

Takava ochevidna propaganda. Tova pismo lichi otdalech, che ne e avtentichno, a e napisano i publikuvano, za da sluji na nechii interesi.

Unknown каза...

ujas :(((

Гери Николова каза...

Де да можеше да се забрани всичко що има общо с БКП, БСП, ДПС и т.н. На хора с доказано участие в ДС, заемали управленски места и ползвали каквито и да е облаги и привилегии, трябва да се забрани да участват в управлението на България по какъвто и да е начин! Че и за децата им трябва да има ограничения! Като начало един закон за лустрация би ни дошъл добре....
Иначе.....започвам да съжалявам, че у нас не се направи като с Чаушеско и сие, колкото и да е крайно....