School to Change Its Name to Steve Jobs
Move on Lenin. Steve Jobs is in town. The town of Plovdiv, the second largest city of Bulgaria. There, kids want to change the name of their technical school from Vladimir Ilyich Lenin to Steve Jobs.
The technical school is specialized in electronics and it's now approaching its 50th anniversary. To celebrate the occasion, they want to delete Lenin's name from the school door and change it to someone else. You know, someone else who is not the symbol of the bloody bastards who oppressed Bulgarians since the end of World War II. They are now voting to pick the new name.
The forerunner at this time is Steve Jobs, by a wide margin. Some people think it has to be a Bulgarian scientist. As much as I admire Jobs, I agree. I would vote for John Vincent Atanasoff, the guy who invented the first automatic electronic digital computer. He wasn't born in Bulgaria, but his father was a Bulgarian immigrant.
If they pick Jobs, however, I hope they install a giant, Soviet-style bronze statue of him holding the original Mac on the school grounds. [Novinite]
Move on Lenin. Steve Jobs is in town. The town of Plovdiv, the second largest city of Bulgaria. There, kids want to change the name of their technical school from Vladimir Ilyich Lenin to Steve Jobs.
The technical school is specialized in electronics and it's now approaching its 50th anniversary. To celebrate the occasion, they want to delete Lenin's name from the school door and change it to someone else. You know, someone else who is not the symbol of the bloody bastards who oppressed Bulgarians since the end of World War II. They are now voting to pick the new name.
The forerunner at this time is Steve Jobs, by a wide margin. Some people think it has to be a Bulgarian scientist. As much as I admire Jobs, I agree. I would vote for John Vincent Atanasoff, the guy who invented the first automatic electronic digital computer. He wasn't born in Bulgaria, but his father was a Bulgarian immigrant.
If they pick Jobs, however, I hope they install a giant, Soviet-style bronze statue of him holding the original Mac on the school grounds. [Novinite]
Търсете по книжарниците забележителната книга на философа Ангел Грънчаров ПРЕСЛЕДВАНЕ НА ВРЕМЕТО: Изкуството на свободата, изд. A&G, 2003 г., разм. 21,5/14,5 см., мека подвързия, ISBN 954-8945-88-6, 280 стр., 8.00 лв. Книгата говори за “нещо”, което е близко на всеки един от нас: времето. Тя се опитва да ни насочи към чисто човешкото в него, към неговата ценност за човека. Това, че времето не ни е чуждо и ни изглежда “добре познато”, съвсем не означава, че го разбираме. Нашето предварително познание за времето не навлиза в неговите дълбини, а само докосва повърхността, най-бледата му външност. Съзнанието за време го приема за факт, с който трябва да се “съобразяваме”, но не отива по-нататък и не се задълбочава в неговата тайна. Когато обаче ни запитат А що е време?, почти нищо не можем да кажем: мълчанието е нашият отговор. Тази необичайна и изненадващо понятна философска книга “поглежда” в скритото “зад” мълчанието ни – за времето, живота, свободата.
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